
Milestones...what are they good for?

Milestones are a bit of a legacy feature that have been carried over from when Countable was created solely for my personal Discord server.

Milestones allow for the counting channel to be named different things depending on the current count (e.g. changing the channel name to #mega-counting after reaching 500) and act as another way to encourage your users to work together towards a common goal!

Why not let members of your server "reserve" milestones at different counts to provide them with an incentive to reach it and reward them for counting with a custom channel name of their choosing?


See the command reference for milestones for a full list of related commands.

In short, use milestone add <count> <name to set the counting channel's name to <name> upon reaching the defined <count>.

For example, milestone add 100 cool-beans will change the name of the counting channel to "cool beans" when you reach a count of 100.

As of right now, Countable will not reset the counting channel name back to its default value when somebody gets the count wrong, so it might be wise to set that up as a milestone at a count of 1 to make sure it works as expected.

Last updated